Missoula’s Caras Park unveils new vibrant pavilion lighting


The following is a press release by The Downtown Missoula Partnership.

New Colored Lights Transform Pavilion

MISSOULA, Mont. – Caras Park, a beloved community hub in Downtown Missoula, has just undergone a much-needed colorful transformation. Thanks to the expert installation by Liberty Electric and generous funding from the Missoula Downtown Foundation, the pavilion at Caras Park now features a stunning new array of LED-colored lighting. This enhancement elevates the park’s aesthetic appeal and ensures the area is a brighter, more energy-efficient, inviting space for evening visitors.

The new lighting installation, which can be admired from the Beartracks Bridge at night, adds a dynamic element to the park. The vibrant lighting creates a lively atmosphere that enhances the overall experience of park-goers, making Caras Park a standout destination in Missoula. It also contributes to the park’s safety and accessibility at night. This project is a testament to the positive impact that thoughtful design and skilled craftsmanship can have on public spaces.

The Missoula Downtown Foundation, dedicated to enhancing the vitality of Downtown Missoula through strategic investments in public spaces and community projects, played a crucial role in bringing this project to life. By funding the Caras Park lighting project, the Foundation makes Downtown Missoula a more vibrant and inviting place for all.“This is another great project we’ve been working on to help bring life, light and art to the North Riverside parks and trails,” said Travis Neil, President of the Missoula Downtown Foundation Board of Directors and Project Manager at Dick Anderson Construction. “It’s really fun to work with our local contractors like Liberty Electric on special projects for our community gathering places!”Caras Park, Missoula’s Town Square, is already a popular venue for community events, concerts, and gatherings. With its scenic location along the Clark Fork River, the park attracts more than 250,000 visitors annually. The new lighting installation is a wonderful privately-funded improvement to the centerpiece of Downtown Missoula. The community is invited to visit and experience the newly illuminated pavilion, which promises to be a stunning sight against the backdrop of the night sky.For more information about the new lighting installation at Caras Park, please contact Program Director Amber Kukla via email at amber@missouladowntown.com or via phone (406.543.4238).


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