2024 Washington State gubernatorial debate date and location announced


OLYMPIA, Wash. — The Association of Washington Business (AWB) announced today that it will host its seventh gubernatorial debate at the annual Policy Summit in Spokane.

According to a press release, the debate which starts on Sept. 18, will feature the top two candidates for governor, attorney general, lands commissioner and superintendent of public instruction.

“We consider it a privilege and honor to contribute to the state’s civic conversation by hosting these debates every four years,” said AWB President Kris Johnson. “Washington hasn’t seen an open governor’s race since 2012, making this an especially important election. We are excited to bring the candidates together for an open discussion and exchange of ideas on how best to move our state forward.”

NonStop Local KHQ-TV will serve as the broadcast partner for the 6 p.m. gubernatorial debate, which will air on TV and stream at nonstoplocal.com. Moderators will include KHQ news anchors Sean Owsley and Kalae Chock, and Austin Jenkins, staff writer for Pluribus News and host of TVW’s “Inside Olympia.”


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