East Valley schools moving classes online for next week


SPOKANE, Wash. – East Valley Middle and High School are moving classes online for the next week to stay compliant with Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) guidelines and avoid the need to mass testing.

Students will still be expected to attend their classes online for the week and the plan is to return to in-person learning on Monday, Feb. 7.

Athletics will not be affected as athletes continue with weekly testing. Practices and games are still happening.

The district said based on SRHD quarantine guidelines, they would have to shut down a large number of classes next week.

“Throughout the district, we have limped, staggered, and crawled through the month of January,” they said in a message to parents.

The district asks that parents or students with internet issues contact the school as soon as possible. They also said they will be providing lunches at certain locations and to look out for additional information.


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