Whitworth students upset at music faculty lay offs


SPOKANE, Wash. – Students in Whitworth University’s music department are upset that some of their faculty are being let go due to budget cuts.

The university released a statement to Nonstop Local that reads in part:

“In order to achieve budget alignment, we have selectively reduced the size of our teaching staff for the next academic year,” said Trisha Coder, Whitworth’s Associate Director of Media Relations.

Students are concerned for the level of education they will receive with less staff, and want the university to find a different solution.

“I think we just want the conversation to get started to see if this decision can be overturned because not only is it going to affect these professors and their personal lives, but also the longevity of the university as well,” said senior Ricky Gagliardi.

Gagliardi won’t be directly impacted as he is set to graduate in a few weeks, but is still concerned for the future of the music department.

Max Cannon, a Junior studying jazz performance, will be directly impacted next year, as one of the professors he has studied under since before attending Whitworth is set to be let go.

“He has made a huge impact on my life and my playing, I have learned everything from him… It’s been tough to deal with, especially with how close we are with our professors, ” Cannon said

The university cited declining enrollment as a major factor leading to this decision, which is a state and nationwide problem as well. The enrollment at most universities in Washington are down, and have been falling for at least four years according to The Washington Student Achievement Council.

The students understand the difficulty that lies in budget cuts, however they believe a better solution is out there.

“The decisions that need to be made, once it’s decided that budget cuts need to be made, are unpopular, it’s hard to make everybody happy. I don’t think the right decision was to start to cut faculty,” Cannon said.

The university said it has communicated these decisions to the campus through meetings and town halls, and say that these decisions, although difficult and often painful, have to be made.


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