Navy Week excites Spokane’s next generation with new technology


SPOKANE, Wash. – Spokane has been chosen as one of the 15 cities that will observe Navy Week. Local communities and schools are getting involved to celebrate ahead of the Armed Forces Torch Light Parade.

St. Aloysius Catholic School was one of the schools that got to participate in the exciting events. Navy members educated students on the different operations that Washington Naval teams operate and learn daily.

Chief Devin who got to come answer the kids’ questions serves out of the Naval Base Kitsap which is the nation’s third largest fleet concentration area in the United States.

Students at St. Aloysius got an in-person views of the future of Naval operations with sonar submarine vehicles that are operated daily by Chief Devin and his team.

These types of underwater vehicles are a new technology and can be used all over the world including places like the Puget Sound and the Pacific Ocean.

Students eager with questions about the operations are a true testament to how the Navy hopes to excite and inform the next generation to serve.

“For people wanting to join the military this is an avenue that they can seek versus just being on a submarine or a surface ship,” Chief Devin said.

Navy Week events will continue throughout the week leading up the annual Armed Forces Torch Light Parade in Downtown Spokane.


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