Wallace locals rally to host music festival after sudden cancellation


WALLACE, Idaho – Locals in Wallace, ID are rallying to host a music festival after the sudden cancellation of the Wallace Blues Fest – an event that brings in thousands of people to the small tourist town.

The festival, that’s been happening for over ten years, was abruptly canceled last week. NonStop Local reached out to the event organizer to find out why, but he didn’t say anything other than the fact a statement would be released next Monday.

He did, however, confirm that pre-ticket sales will be refunded.

Now, several locals have teamed up with the town’s businesses to raise money to fund the bands that will perform for the first ever Wallace Music Fest, which is completely free.

“What I cared the most about was all these people that booked their plans a year in advance, their plane tickets, booked non-refundable lodging which are going to have nothing and I was like we can’t have nothing for the people that are coming to this town,” Barb Strother, the owner of Cogs, and one of the organizers of the events, said Tuesday.

“Yeah it has to happen. It’s a big money-maker for Wallace,” Marcy Hayman, an organizer, said.

When they discovered that the event was canceled, a group of people got together to start planning Wallace Music Fest.

“I think some people love the music, love the blues, and wanted to save the blues. I think some people are really preserving the reputation of the town with everything that went down. I think that some people care about local businesses because this is main time that we make money,” Strother said.

Locals in the small town, including the organizers themselves, were surprised just how fast they were able to get the Wallace Music Fest organized.

“I help with other events in town and we spend months planning and I cannot believe how quickly it came together. People so eager to help, do anything and everything they can, and that’s what makes Wallace so special,” Siobhan Curet, who’s helping plan the event, said.

“Between 12:30 Saturday and today (Tuesday), we’ve raised $22,000. It just gives me goosebumps. How do you do that in 48 hours? How do you raise that kind of money,” Hayman asked.

“I’ve seen this community do this before. I’ve seen how deeply people will give generously to festivals, events, and other needs,” Strother said.

So the needs of the business owners are fulfilled and the hope concertgoers have to see the event happen another year.

“Women of Wallace. I’m just going to say wow. BAM! That’s how women of Wallace do it,” Brenda Johnson, owner of Johnson’s Gems, and Wallace Idaho Chamber of Commerce president, said.

For a lineup of the concerts held July 11 – 13, and to help the locals be able to pay for the bands that are performing, click this link.


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