Overall violent crime down in Spokane, anti-Black and anti-LGBTQ+ hate crimes up


SPOKANE, Wash. – The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs released its annual Crime in Washington report Tuesday. It revealed an overall decrease in crime in Spokane but an increase in anti-Black and anti-LGBTQ+ hate crimes.

According to the report, the Spokane Sheriff’s office reported an 83% decrease in murders from 2022 to 2023, alongside a 12% decrease in aggravated assault. However, robbery and burglary both increased by 9% and 32% respectively.

The Spokane Police Department reported the exact same number of murders in 2022 as 2023, alongside a 4% increase in aggravated assault, with property crime also slightly increasing.

In the Spokane Valley, the number of murders remained the same while aggravated assault decreased by 10% and property crime rates decreased slightly.

While violent crime decreased, anti-Black and anti-LGBTQ+ violence increased across Spokane in 2023.

The Spokane Police Department recorded 10 anti-Black and 3 anti-LGBTQ+ hate crimes, the sheriff’s office reported 4 anti-Black and 3 anti-LGBTQ+ crimes and the Spokane Valley recorded 4 anti-Black and 5 anti-LGBTQ+ offenses.

This year’s crime report comes after a bill sponsored by outgoing Washington State Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig (D) because of someone’s race, gender or sexuality a hate crime .


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