Dr. Bernadine Bank slams Project 2025, touts reproductive rights record


OLYMPIA, Wash. – Washington 5th Congressional District candidate slammed a conservative project promising to curtail abortion federally on Sunday, calling the project dangerous and a threat to civil rights.

Project 2025 is a proposed by the Heritage Foundation, a rightwing think tank with significant ties to former President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign.

Foundation president Kevin Roberts appeared on Steve Bannon’s podcast to illustrate the project’s plan to fire large swaths of those employed by the national government in favor of a smaller cohort of leaders associated with the alternative right.

“Our side is winning…We are in the process of a second American revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” Roberts said.

Roberts’ bloodless revolution comments who characterized the Heritage Foundation project as a fundamental threat to democracy.

Bank also condemned the project Sunday, and drew upon her own experience as an OB/GYN to describe the way that the Heritage Foundation plan could potentially impact reproductive rights.

“I am gravely concerned about the parts that are clearly designed to make women second class citizens. The policies outlined in Project 2025 will clear the way for more extreme states to subjugate women, making them little more than livestock,” Bank said.

Project 2025 calls for the restriction of abortion rights on a federal level. While the status-quo since the has been allowing states to draft their own policies on reproductive healthcare, the Heritage Foundation proposes drafting national laws curtailing a citizen’s ability to end a pregnancy.

“They aim to control women’s bodies at every level. They aim to create a national database (the Abortion Data Reporting Act) of anyone who has sought, received, or given an abortion. They also seek to prevent people from relocating out of states with draconic laws for purposes of abortion care,” Bank said.

Bank went on to condemn what she argues is medical misinformation within the Heritage Foundation document, such as a claim that the pregnancy ending drug Mifepristone is dangerous despite it being .

“While the document is heavy on claims, it is light on proof – because there is no truth to these statements. From both a legal and medical perspective, most of them are outright nonsense,” Bank said.

The as primarily Idaho and Texas residents . Bank capped-off her criticism of Project 2025 by promising to champion healthcare access if she is elected to Congress.

“As your congresswoman I will actively work to prevent this dangerous nonsense from becoming the law of the land,” Bank said.

Fellow Democrats are also running for Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ current seat, as are


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