Spokane Public Schools to discuss update to cellphone policy


SPOKANE, Wash. – The Spokane School Board will meet Wednesday to discuss an update to their new phone policy that would ban usage during class time.

Spokane Superintendent Adam Swinyard said that teachers have been in a competition with screens for students’ attention the past few years and need to make changes to allow kids to refocus during the day.

The policy restricts cell phone use to before and after school for elementary and middle schoolers, as well as lunch and passing periods for high schoolers. The district says they need to implement this with consistency, while understanding family events can cause students to check their phones more frequently.

“So, we would want to come alongside the other student and understand, ‘Hey, how can we help?’ Cause we have to be consistent, consistency will be key in this, while at the same time understanding the individual factors that kids face,” Swinyard said.

Spokane Public Schools said they received good feedback from parents on this new strategy, with parents saying they see the negative effects of screens on their students. Other districts in the state have tried similar approaches, and SPS said they have seen very positive results.

The goal will be to limit screen time, while also encouraging every student to get involved in clubs or sports outside of school as a healthy alternative to spending time on screens.

“The screens aren’t going away, but we can set healthy boundaries, and we can invest as a community in every kid everyday. Being involved in activities and athletics, to give them exciting and engaging things to do in real life with each other as a really powerful alternative to time on screens,” Swinyard said.

This updated policy will be read and discussed on Wednesday, Aug. 14, and likely voted on Aug. 28.


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