The Safest Destinations for Women in 2024 — U.S. Falls Short of the Top 30


According to the Georgetown Women Peace and Security Index (WPS Index), the United States ranks 37th in the world with regards to women’s status. That may come as a surprise, given recent advancements in certain areas.

The WPS Index evaluates and ranks countries based on 13 indicators related to women’s status. These indicators are grouped into three categories: inclusion, justice, and insecurity.

While the U.S. excels in women’s financial inclusion with a score of 96.8 and has increased women’s parliamentary representation from 19.4% in 2017 to 27.9% in 2023, other areas reveal significant shortcomings.

Despite the fact that some U.S. cities are very safe, the perception of community safety among women has dropped from 66.8 to 61. Maternal mortality in America is alarmingly high at 21.1. That’s a stark contrast compared to the top ranked nation for this indicator. Norway tops the list with a maternal mortality rate of just 1.7.

Here are the 12 countries that consistently rank as being the safest for women.


According to the Georgetown Women’s Peace and Security Index, Denmark ranks as the world’s best and safest country for women. Additionally, the country has low intimate partner violence, political violence targeting women, and unexplained physical and verbal aggression both at community and societal levels.

Danish Crime Prevention Council reports Denmark’s rates of domestic violence are lower than many other countries. Whether looking for safe places to explore as a solo woman traveler or a destination to call home, Denmark is a great option.


The second-safest country for women worldwide is Switzerland. It ranks as one of the safest places solo women travelers can visit without much worry. Women will have to take necessary precautions to get around, but the chances of being aggressed in Switzerland as a traveler are incredibly lower than in other destinations.

Switzerland reports fewer cases of current intimate partner violence, political and societal aggression against women, and proximity to violence.

Switzerland’s tourism department also offers unique opportunities for women travelers to connect and explore together. Whether joining a hike with other women or cycling in women’s groups, such experiences can elevate solo women travelers’ sense of security.


This country consistently ranks at the top of global gender equality indices due to its progressive policies ensuring equal opportunities in various sectors, including employment, education, and politics. Sweden ranks third-safest for women on the Global Women Safety Index.

Sweden’s government has almost no legal discrimination against women, and Swedish women have easy access to justice compared to other developed countries.

The country has robust laws and regulations protecting women from violence, sexual harassment, and gender-based violence.


Finland is the first European country to grant women full political rights. The most interesting part? Finland did this in 1906, even before gaining independence in 1917, which shows this country’s long history of upholding women’s rights.

Finland also has a robust legal framework designed to fight gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, and violence at home and in workspaces. The WPS Index ranks Finland as the world’s fourth-safest country for women and exceptionally well in terms of women’s perception of community safety.


Iceland, one of the best places to watch the northern lights and one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, is a safe country for women. Iceland offers the opportunity to explore one of the world’s most dramatic landscapes without worrying about being a victim of violence.

According to the Global Peace Index, Iceland has been the safest country in the world for 14 years in a row. It has robust legislation to protect women, and thanks to its certified equal pay policy, it is also the world’s top country in terms of female pay parity.


Norway consistently ranks among the world’s safest destinations. It is an especially great place for women to travel to and live, as women in Norway can confidently travel through city streets day or night without much worry.

Norwegian women and anyone visiting will not fear facing gender-based violence while exploring the country. Streets are generally well-lit and well-patrolled by police, enhancing women’s confidence to explore even when dusk falls.

Norway also has stringent laws against domestic violence and gender-based violence, which have gone a long way in promoting women’s safety.


Luxembourg is another excellent place for women to visit or relocate to, as it’s known for its low crime rates and welcoming locals.

Gender discrimination is not just frowned upon in Luxembourg but outlawed. For instance, salary differences between women and men in the same positions, carrying out the same tasks, or work of equal value are illegal. Many countries battling workplace gender inequality focus only on the public sector, but Luxembourg also achieved this in the private sector.

Lastly, the country’s reliable public transportation system, which is also completely free for residents and travelers, means solo women travelers won’t have to worry about taking a taxi alone.


According to the Women Peace and Security Index, 94% of Singaporean women feel safe walking alone in their city at night — the world’s highest ranking. It is also ranked the safest Asian country thanks to its low crime rates.

The Singapore Police Force says the country has one of the lowest crime rates globally, which also applies to rates of crimes targeting women. The country’s rigorous law enforcement and stringent legal system contribute significantly to public safety, including women’s safety, compared to other more dangerous countries in Asia, such as Afghanistan and Myanmar, which rank at the bottom of the WPS Index.

Lastly, Singapore has comprehensive legal frameworks designed to protect women from violence and discrimination, including laws addressing domestic violence, sexual harassment, and human trafficking.


Japan, the second-safest country in Asia, is renowned for its exceptionally low crime rates, including those against women. Women can easily tour Tokyo’s lively streets without worrying about violent and petty crime. Police constantly patrol the streets, further boosting the country’s safety and security.

Japan has stringent laws that address crimes perpetrated against women and introduced legal reforms to improve protections and support for victims.

Japan is very safe at night, and public transportation is no exception. Street harassment and petty crime incidents in Japan are very rare.


As of 2022, 41% of the Austrian Parliament’s members are women, one of the highest percentages in the world. Having women in power is one of the best ways to pass legislation that protects women’s rights.

Austria has a well-developed legal framework to support victims of sexual assault and other crimes against women. The country also boasts low crime rates, including violent crime. The country’s effective law enforcement and robust legal system create a secure environment for women and the general public.


Poland is a safe country for solo travelers in 2024. Warsaw streets are well-lit and adequately patrolled by police to enhance the safety of residents and travelers. There are also CCTV cameras in many parts of the city. Poland’s pro-women stance isn’t just in this age of solo travel; this country was among the first in the world to grant women legal rights, enacting women’s suffrage in 1918 after regaining independence.

In 1932, Poland made marital rape illegal, something many countries still struggle to do. It is a country that has been ahead of its time regarding women’s rights. Above all, nine in 10 Polish women believe their country is a safe place to live.

New Zealand

New Zealand is one of the world’s safest countries and safest for women. Of about 4 million people who visit New Zealand every year, 94% report the country met or exceeded expectations, including safety. Furthermore, they ranked the fourth-most peaceful country in the 2024 Global Peace Index.

The Georgetown Women’s Peace and Security Index ranks it the 10th-safest country for women, a result of the country’s relatively low crime rate, including violent crimes against women.

Moreover, New Zealand ranks fourth in the 2023 World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report. Its position shows New Zealand is closing gender gaps in educational attainment, health, and political empowerment. Small gaps mean women are economically empowered and better able to stand up for themselves.

Lastly, New Zealand’s Human Rights Act of 1993 covers discrimination against sex and marital status, protecting women from gender-based violence.


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