West Central ‘Boris’ statue finds new home in Mead


For nearly 5 decades, residents of West Central saw a 16-foot metal man overlook their walks, drives, and homes along the north bank of the Spokane River.

But Boris, as the statue was known, now has a new view – the North Spokane Corridor.

“He was too cool to just let somebody get him, to scrap him or whatever,” new owner Kellen Ward said. “We’ll put a MAGA Hat on him.”

New property owners wanted Boris off their land, according to Ward. He had the truck and tools to save the statue, and the land to place it too.

The statue is easily seen from the road and current waving a flag in support of President Donald Trump campaign to get back in the Whitehouse. Some longtime West Central residents have mixed feelings about Boris’ new lifestyle. However, they recognize Ward also saved the historic statue from it’s demise.

“We were sorry to hear they were going to Trumpize him,” Boris’ former neighbor Brian Bedard said. “[Boris] was just sort of the curiosity of the neighborhood.”

Ward intends to paint the 5-ton statue in a blue suit, white shirt, and red tie – a nod to the 45th president’s common attire.


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