Public invited to weigh in on Washington state’s salmon migration strategy


OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is seeking public feedback on a draft strategy designed to tackle barriers that hinder salmon and steelhead migration.

This initiative is part of a broader effort required by the state Legislature to improve fish passage across Washington.

According to a press release from WDFW, the focus will be on addressing smaller barriers to enhance the recovery of vulnerable salmon populations and support the endangered Southern Resident killer whale. The strategy has been developed in collaboration with tribal representatives, partners, and a scientific panel, alongside the Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board, which identifies and prioritizes fish passage projects for funding.

The public can review the draft strategy and submit comments until Oct. 14. Feedback can be provided online through the WDFW website or mailed directly to Dr. Jane Atha at WDFW’s Olympia office.

P.O. Box 43200Olympia, WA 98504

Additionally, WDFW will host a hybrid workshop on Oct. 2 from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the Confluence Technology Center in Wenatchee. This event aims to gather community input and encourage discussion about the proposed strategy.

More details, including online participation options, can be found on WDFW’s statewide fish passage prioritization strategy webpage.


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