Coeur d’Alene school district faces crucial levy vote amid budget concerns


COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho – The Coeur d’Alene School District is facing a critical juncture as it asks voters to approve a $25 million levy that accounts for 25% of its annual budget. This levy will be on the ballot, with its potential failure posing significant consequences for the district.

Superintendent Shon Hocker spoke about the gravity of the situation, saying, “25% of everything we do as a school district is at jeopardy of not being able to continue.”

The levy, if approved, would be an exact replacement of the current one expiring in June. Hocker emphasized that, with passage, “taxes will remain flat.” The previous attempt to pass the levy in March 2023 failed by fewer than 400 votes, but a subsequent attempt in May succeeded with over 63% of the vote.

State regulations now limit school levy requests to May and November elections. This presents a challenge for the district, as another rejection in May 2025 could mirror past outcomes.

Hocker detailed the potential impact of a failed levy. “We will have to budget for the next six months as if we don’t have the funds, so we will have to identify which 25 percent of staff we will no longer be able to retain, which will mean which schools we likely have to close,” he said.

Concerns from the community are mixed. Some, like a retired resident on a fixed income, feel burdened by rising property taxes and question the value without direct involvement with schools. Others criticize the district’s spending, with one former employee suggesting funds are allocated inappropriately.

However, Hocker defended the district’s financial practices, illustrating the cutbacks done to address deficits. “We closed one school just this past spring, we needed to address a six-million dollar shortfall and that occurred with a whole lot of staff reductions,” Hocker stated.

Funds from the levy cover sports, extracurricular activities, safety officers, and more. Athletes could face steep participation fees without the levy, impacting families’ abilities to afford programs.

Hocker expressed hope for voter participation. “Our ask is that people make it through the ballot… So people need to vote, not only off the bat for whoever they might want for President but keep at those four pages to get to the school levy ballot question,” he said.

With neighboring districts experiencing closures and program cuts due to failed levies, the stakes are high for Coeur d’Alene. Hocker underscored, “It’s an absolute picture at what Coeur d’Alene school district would be looking at” if this levy does not pass.

As the vote approaches, the perspective from the community and its potential impact remain focal points. Ensure to stay informed by following the ongoing developments on this matter.


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