Family member of Spokane Veterans Home resident speaks out in favor of facility

2020-04-24 Despite Deaths, At Least One Happy With Spokane VA Home FOX 28 Spokane

SPOKANE, Wash. – Even with concerns stemming from COVID-19 cases in long-term care facilities, a family member of a veteran living at the Spokane Veterans Home said they wouldn’t want him anywhere else.

“These nurses are doing everything they can, but this virus is just unstoppable,” Angi Baird.

Kenneth Barid is a navy vet who served in the Korean war, but now he’s fighting to stay healthy while surrounded by the coronavirus. Angi told KHQ she hasn’t seen her father-in-law since February, as he’s been isolated in his room. She said people allowed in is extremely limited, and everyone is wearing protective masks and gear.

Angi thinks the facility has gotten a bad reputation because of the outbreak, but has seen first-hand how hard the caretakers are working to prevent the spread.

“They are doing everything possible, and these doctors and nurses are amazing there, if I ever had a veteran that I’d have to send somewhere, that is where I’d send them,” Angi said.

Kenneth has been tested twice so far, and is waiting for results, but feeling healthy. Angi said he has COPD, so if he gets sick, he likely won’t survive. Angi said the hardest part is not being able to see him.

Nationwide, there’s been more than 10,000 deaths at nursing homes, and according to doctors, two-third’s of long-care homes don’t have easy access to test kits. The Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs posts updates almost everyday to address how their residents are doing.

A Home family member speaks out in support.