Kootenai County Sheriff says deputies will not enforce “unenforceable” mandates on citizens


On Monday, the Kootenai County Sheriff Robert B. Norris announced the law enforcement agency will not be enforcing “an unenforceable law or executive mandate on its citizens.”

In a statement, Sheriff Norris said it is not the Sheriff’s Office job to get involved in citizen’s health. He said that should be left between citizens and their doctors.

“It is my opinion that the facts are becoming clear with COVID-19, certain risk groups should take extra precaution,” Sheriff Norris wrote. “But the vast majority of healthy people who contract COVID-19 will experience flu symptoms and recover from the virus.”

On November 19, the reinstated the mask mandate in all five north Idaho counties due to surging cases. The mandate was approved by a 4-2 vote.

Sheriff Norris did not specifically reference the mask mandate in his statement.

You can read the full statement from Sheriff Norris below:


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