Expanded eligibility for COVID-19 vaccine in Idaho and Washington

Containing the Coronavirus

SPOKANE, Wash- As the and the make changes to COVID vaccine eligibility if you want to beat the rush to get vaccinated you need to do it now if you qualify.

The state of Washington has been doing vaccinations on the tier system.

In about six weeks everyone will have access to the vaccine, so for those next six weeks if you’re in one of these tears you still have a chance to get vaccinated before it opens up to the rest of the state.

On March 31, 2021, the next vaccine tier starts in Washington. It will open for anyone with two or more diseases, anyone over 60, and anyone who lives or works around a lot of people.

About 5 million Washingtonians will be eligible under this new tier. If you’re eligible right now you’re being encouraged to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

The state’s mass vaccination website which is run by Albertson’s and Safeway are showing multiple appointments still available for this week and next week.

You can follow this link to book that appointment.

Spokane Regional Health said it is important that if you get vaccinated in the state of Washington you’ll need to bring your phase finder eligibility form.

Important to note here, you’re only first in line right now when things open up to everyone the tiers won’t be given priority.

According to the state of Washington when it comes to vaccination waste out of the more than 2.8 million doses administered across the state, 3,953 doses of waste have been reported as of 3/22, the state says this is extremely minimal.


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