A Year in Lockdown: Healthcare workers battle burnout alongside COVID-19

Containing the Coronavirus

Burnout is a hidden symptom if COVID-19, that we are just now beginning to see. Even if you didn’t get sick from the virus, the scar that COVID has left on healthcare will still affect you.

A nationwide nurse shortage, a toll on the nation’s health care, that will play out long after the pandemic is over.

In a survey from over a thousand health care workers:

84 percent of them said they idly burned out from work.

90 percent said they were getting less 8 hours of sleep a night.

And nearly half of them said they have considered retiring early or quitting.

In Idaho in 2020, there was less than 10 nurses per 1,000 people.

In Washington, there was a little more with 10.2 nurses per 1,000 people.

One solution to this problem, nursing students.

WSU nursing school said they currently have 850 students, with 150 students graduating in the Spring.

The school said they are teaching their students how to cope with burnout so that they will be better equipped to handle the stress once they get into the workforce.


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