Asked and Answered, why can't college professors get vaccinated early?


SPOKANE, Wash- For the last several monsters there has been a conversation about vaccinations for K-12 teachers, they were moved up ineligibility.

But what about higher education educators, like college professors.

Margie sent us this question-

“Why are higher education teachers not included in the “Teachers get COVID shots”?”- Margie Ray.

Margie explained she has been teaching in-person teaching since September, which puts her at risk.

So, we took this question directly to the governor’s office.

A spokesperson for Governor Jay Inslee tells us the interpretation of the directive is for Pre-K-12th grade and that the directive was not aimed at higher ed.

Adding there is currently not enough supply to cover the number of those already eligible and that this will require most of the public’s patience.

Going on to say that making educators eligible earlier than planned means there will be some frustrations due to supply issues.

Meaning due to lack of vaccine college professors are going to have to wait unless they qualify under a different phase.


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