Attorney General Bob Ferguson highlights years-long relationship with VP Kamala Harris


SEATTLE – Attorney General Bob Ferguson appears at a Seattle event promoting the presidential campaign of Kamala Harris, touting her record as a prosecutor and senator. While it sounds like a moment that could have happened this week, it actually took place Sep. 27, 2019.

As Vice President Harris became the after Ferguson offered his support for the VP. He had years of supporting Harris to look back upon when offering his endorsement.

Ferguson and Harris, who have both served as Attorneys General of their respective states and both of whom have records as Democrats with close ties to law enforcement, have praised each other for their work on gun safety for at least the past five years.

Ferguson posted a picture of himself and Harris from the aforementioned Seattle presidential campaign event where he appeared alongside the current vice president (then a sitting US Senator) in 2019.

“I know Vice-President Kamala Harris. She was Attorney General of California when I was first elected Washington’s Attorney General. Kamala Harris is smart, hardworking, and tough. She’ll never back down to powerful interests — and she genuinely cares about people,” Ferguson said via social media.

If both of their campaigns are successful this year, both Ferguson and Harris will assume leadership of the executive branch of Washington state and the United States respectively.

Given the importance of governors in implementing or impeding the agendas of presidents, the longstanding relationship between Ferguson and Harris could potentially have an impact upon national politics in the coming years.


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