Avista gives insight into preparing for cold snap


SPOKANE, Wash – Michele Drake the Energy Efficiency Program Manager at Avista, said on average heating, accounts for 40% – 60% of an energy bill in the region.

“During this winter cold snap season, that’s a significant change because your heating system is going to be running longer, and that’s gonna cost more on your bill,” said Drake

She said the name of the game is to prevent air leaks, “if you go around windows or doors in your home, you can feel the air around the windows and doors. If the air feels cooler than the rest of your home, that’s a good indication that you may have an air leak.”

In a statement Avista gave the following tips to prevent air leaks:

Seal air leaks around windows and doors with easy-to-install weatherstripping, removable rope caulk, or permanent tube caulk. Stop cold air drafts that come through windows by installing removable window plastic, which essentially turns a single pane window into a double pane. For a more permanent solution, install insulated curtains or honeycomb shades. Stop heated air from escaping through vents by turning off kitchen, bathroom, and other ventilation fans, when you don’t need them. In just one hour, they can suck all the warm air out of a house. If you’re not using your fireplace, close the chimney flue. If it’s left open, all the heat in your home will be sucked straight up and out of the house. Wrap your window or wall air conditioner and consider an alternative to an always-open pet door, too.

However, Drake said no matter how you choose to stay warm during the cold snap, “everyone has to remain comfortable.”


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