Back-to-school season a good time to teach child fire safety


OLYMPIA, Wash.-Back-to-school season is also a good time to reinforce fire safety for children.

The Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office is urging both parents and educators to teach children about fire safety and what to do in case of a fire.

Almost 8 percent of the fire-related deaths in Washington in 2023 involved children under the age of 10, however, some simple safety tips can keep kids safe.

Children’s fire safety tips from the Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office.

Teach children not to play with flammable items, such as matches, lighters and candles.Establish a three-foot kid free zone around stoves and fireplaces.Let children hear the noise of a fire alarm and teach them what to do when one goes off.Discuss when and how to call 911 and what information to provide.Practice a fire escape plane at least twice a year.Teach children that if smoke is present they should get low and crawl to safety.Teach children to “stop, drop and roll” if their clothing happens to catch fire.


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