BC-Merc Table, 1st Add


BC-Merc Table, 1st Add,

CHICAGO-add Mercantile table,

OpenHighLowSettleChg.LUMBER27,500 bd. ft.; $ per 1,000 bd. ft.Nov560.0574.0560.0573.5+13.0Jan589.0599.0585.0598.5+10.5Mar604.5612.0603.0612.0+7.5Est. sales 788.Tue.’s sales 1,528Tue.’s open int 6,381LIBOR-1 MONTH$3 million; pts of 100 pct.No open contracts.US T. BILLS$1 million; pts of 100 pct.No open contracts.EURODOLLARS$1 million;pts of 100 pct.No open contracts.


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