SPOKANE, Wash. — Washington lawmakers will consider a bill to make official the state’s “evergreen state” monicker in the new year.
If passed, a bill filed by Republican Sen. Jeff Wilson and Democratic Sen. Mike Chapman ahead of the 2025 legislation would codify the nickname for the first time.
According to the Washington State Legislature’s website, the evergreen state nickname was coined by a C.T. Conover, a pioneer Seattle realtor and historian.
While the name proposed by Conover in 1889 stuck, it never was never officially codified, leaving Washington as one of only a few states without one.
“This nickname has been long circulated by word of mouth, storytelling, and license plate display,” reads the proposed law. “The reference to freshness is supported by foliage that remains green and functional past just one growing season.”
The bill also notes that no business or organization, public or private, would be required to change any official materials to comply.