Would you like to know more about dogs and dog training today? You can start at your local public library—online!


On the hoopla app, which may be available through your local public library, you can borrow the ebook of On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals by Turid Rugaas.


Norwegian dog trainer and behaviorist Turid Rugaas is a noted expert on canine body language, notably “calming signals,” which are signals dogs use to avoid conflict, invite play, and communicate a wide range of information to other dogs and people. These are the dogs’ attempt to defuse situations that otherwise might result in fights or aggression.

Midwest Book Review: On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals by international dog trainer and behaviorist Turid Rugaas is a truly “user-friendly” guide to understanding and communicating with your dog. Introducing its readers to many conceptual tactics and subtle tendencies which might imply the dog’s desires, On Talking Terms With Dogs is an invaluable reference for dog owners who truly wish to help their friend to an ultimate happiness. On Talking Terms With Dogs is very strongly recommended to all dog owners, especially those highly devoted and owners of multiple canine companions.




Who Is Turid Rugaas?

Turid Rugaas is a Norwegian dog trainer. Rugaas got her first dog in 1948 and has been training since 1969. She set up her dog school Hagan Hundeskole in 1984 on her farm on overlooking the fjords of Norway. She started educating other dog trainers and giving seminars 1992. Since then conducted workshops in 12 different countries with students from 24 countries. She is now retired from actual dog training, but continues to conduct seminars and workshops internationally.

She has published several books and DVDs including the popular best seller On Talking Terms with Dogs. She has identified some 30 calming signals to explain the communication of dogs.

Rugaas is the author of several books and DVDs that have been seminal in the subject of dog communication that have since helped many dog trainers, behaviorists and ethologists understand dog language.

She founded the Pet Dog Trainers of Europe (PDTE) and is the current president of the organization that is leading the concept of humane dog training in Europe. Rugaas gives talks and seminars throughout Europe, and runs summer camps.

She has released a biographical film titled A Boat Trip with Turid Rugaas.

On 27th Nov, 2017, Rugaas was awarded the King’s Badge of Honor by the Norwegian King, HM Harald V|I for her contributions over the last 40 years in the field of canine behavior.


Two more books about dogs and training by Turid Rugaas are also available on hoopla:


My Dog Pulls—What Do I Do?

Is walking your dog a tug-of-war?

At last, a simple way to teach your dog to walk on a leash without pulling your arm off!

In My Dog Pulls —What Do I Do? you will learn Turid’s quick and easy method to train any age, size or breed of dog to walk calmly and quietly on a loose leash. Her approach is humane and based on a solid understanding of why dogs pull and how to work with the dog’s nature and the environment to overcome the problem. City, town or country walking will become more relaxed, reducing stress for dog and owner.

My Dog Pulls explains:

* Why dogs develop pulling problems

* Simple steps to retraining even a vigorous puller

* How to rehabilitate the puller with clear, helpful paragraphs

* Correct use of leashes, collars and harnesses; what works, what doesn’t

* Troubleshooting problems that arise during training



Barking: The Sound of a Language

Barking is more than just noise.

Barking is natural and almost all dogs bark. It is one of the many ways dogs communicate with each other as well as with humans. In this book, author Turid Rugaas, well known for her work on identifying and utilizing canine “calming signals,” turns her attention to understanding and managing barking behavior.

Think of barking as your dog’s language. By learning to identify what your dog is expressing when he barks, you can take steps to minimize their negative effects.

You will learn:

* How to utilize knowledge of canine body language to help you communicate with your dog before barking gets out of hand

* Barking characteristics of different breeds and groups of dogs

* How to recognize six types of barking and their causes

* Step-by-step training methods to solve barking problems



Turid Rugaas—International Dog Trainer
International Dog Trainer Education