Business booms at Hillyard restaurant after positive social media reviews


SPOKANE, Wash. – Turning the page on becoming a popular business is anything but scary for The Bad Seed, despite proudly serving customers in the historic haunted Hillyard library.

For years, the owner subsidized the business with earning from another restaurant located in Seattle, according to Manager Aaron Baker. Though, their profits tripled over the last month.

“As beautiful as this building is, and even how hard the workers work, the doors probably would have closed,” Baker said. “I’ve seen it happen with multiple places in this in this neighborhood, you know, they just can’t keep the doors open.”

A popular public Facebook group, Food Finders of Spokane, got wind of The Bad Seed. With more than 13,000 members, word got out.

“I care a lot about local businesses getting the recognition they deserve,” page admin Susan Jarvis said. “I just love the Hilliard community.”

Though, the location is seen as a hinderance at times – some don’t want to travel to the neighborhood, according to Baker.

“It’s difficult up here. It does have a reputation. Especially with people walking to your business,” Baker said. “Now it’s all hands-on deck. Be prepared to really work hard, because we have to feed everybody.”


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