SHOULD YOUR CAT GO OUTDOORS OR BE INDOOR-ONLY? ADVICE FOR INEXPERIENCED ADOPTERS We’re in the middle of a series of articles meant especially for those of…
HOW MANY CATS OR KITTENS TO ADOPT? ADVICE FOR INEXPERIENCED ADOPTERS You’re considering adopting a cat or kitten but you have little experience with felines.…
YOU’VE HAD LITTLE EXPERIENCE WITH FELINES BUT YOU’RE CONSIDERING ADDING A CAT OR KITTEN TO YOUR FAMILY? It happens: You’re inexperienced with felines but you’re considering adopting a cat or kitten.…
WHAT’S THE MOST UNUSUAL PET THAT YOU’VE EVER HAD? I’ve had many pets in my lifetime, but every single one of them has…
YOUR BEST VACATION WITH A PET? I asked friends on social media to tell us about their best vacations with…
MY DOG GOT FAT—ALL MY FAULT Pandemic pounds. Humans across the globe complain about the weight they gained during their…
KEEPING YOUR DOG COOL AND COMFORTABLE IN EXTREME HEAT We’re just coming out of a week of extreme heat in the Pacific Northwest,…
ADOPTING A RESCUE DOG—MORE ADVICE FROM DOG PROFESSIONALS In our most recent blogs, we’ve been discussing the process of adopting a dog…
ADOPTING A RESCUE DOG—ADVICE FROM DOG PROFESSIONALS In the past few weeks, we’ve discussed the process of adopting a dog from…