YOUR DOG’S NEW YEAR’S WISHES Anthropomorphize much? I do. I often put what I think might be my pets’ thoughts…
CALMING SIGNALS YOU CAN USE Dogs use calming signals—through body postures and facial expressions—to communicate with each other. Dogs…
WHAT CALMING SIGNALS MEAN IN DOGS Calming signals are facial expressions and body postures that dogs use to communicate with…
TEACH YOUR DOG TO ELIMINATE ON CUE: Fourth in a Series Those of us who live in houses with fenced yards have it pretty easy when…
TEACH YOUR DOG TO ELIMINATE ON CUE: Third in a Series You’ve followed the simple steps to prepare your dog to learn to eliminate on…
TEACH YOUR DOG TO POTTY ON CUE: Second in a Series Last week, I talked about teaching your new puppy to potty when you ask him…
TEACH YOUR DOG TO POTTY ON CUE: First in a series Yes, it’s possible. You can teach your dog to potty on cue. Why “cue” and…