WHY WE DON’T USE CHOKE CHAINS Choke chains were once standard equipment for training dogs. That has changed within the…
END-OF-SUMMER SAFETY NEWS Foods I was shocked to find out earlier this year that my next-door-neighbors’ dog…
FIRST-TIME FOSTER—WHAT SHOULD YOU EXPECT? You’ve decided to take the plunge—you’re going to foster an animal in need. You’ve done…
MY CAT WAS PICKY ABOUT FOOD I thought my cat was intolerant of food changes. When I adopted her, she came…
BRATTY BARKING IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! It’s true! I’ve seen very little progress this week in my campaign to “cure”…
FERRET-PROOFING YOUR HOME Ferrets sleep a lot—12 to 16 hours a day. That makes ferrets great pets for…
UNUSUAL PETS—FERRETS (PART ONE) I’ll admit it—I’m a big fan of ferrets. I first met ferrets many years…