City of Missoula Fire Department receives $7 million in federal grant funding


MISSOULA, Mont. – The City of Missoula Fire Department’s request for $7 million federal funding grant was approved. The fire department says it’s to enhance its fire department staffing levels and that this funding is critical to the department.

In June of 2024, MFD also asked for voter support for a levy that was designed to strengthen emergency response efforts.

With the passing of the levy and this new grant funding, MFD can increase personnel availability to ensure swift and effective responses to any emergency as well as making sure MFD can maintain high standards of fire protection and emergency response across the Missoula community.

It will also provide sustainable support to the Mobile Support Team, which helps address complex mental health crisis response.

“This is a monumental moment for our fire department and our community,” said Gordy Hughes, Fire Chief of the Missoula Fire Department in a press release, “The approval of the levy and the SAFER grant will greatly enhance our ability to respond to emergencies more effectively and efficiently.”

The $7 million was awarded through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant program, comes as part of the 2023 government funding bill.


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