Colbert neighborhood installs speed bumps for cut-through traffic


A local neighborhood near Midway Elementary School is now serving as a cut-through to save time; though, it’s not a welcomed development. Several neighbors told NonStop Local the cut-through traffic is speeding and dangerous.

“People come flying up that hill and flying down the hill. The kid across the street came close to getting nailed, you know, just riding his bicycle,” resident Connie Knust said. “It’s not very pleasant.”

This weekend, resident Roy Harrington noticed plastic speed bumps near his home. He welcomes the addition but isn’t positive how they were put in place. Spokane County and the project contractor confirmed they did not install the speed bumps.

“This is a kid-oriented neighborhood. There’s a lot of little kids live here,” Harrington said. “Don’t disrespect the neighborhood just because you’re irritated that you have to make a detour.”

Neighbors confirmed the speed bumps were not installed by the HOA either; it’s unclear if the HOA will let them stay in place.

The Hatch Road project is expected to wrap up late October, according to the project manager.


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