Conservative ballot initiatives to appear before Washington voters in November


OLYMPIA, Wash. – The Washington November 2024 election will be crowded this year, with several ballot initiatives sponsored by conservative political and business organizations appearing before voters.

The Washington Secretary of State’s Office announced the certification of the candidates and initiatives appearing on the ballot on Aug. 23.

which would roll-back which incentivized the development of electrical appliance infrastructure, will appear on the ballot. The effort is supported by conservative advocacy organization Let’s Go Washington and gubernatorial candidate Dave Reichert (R).

Another anti-environmental regulation initiative, 2117, limiting carbon emissions. While it has gained the support of the state Republican Party, it is opposed by the Washington State Medical Association and the WA League of Women Voters.

Initiative 2109, which would offer a tax cut to wealthy Washingtonians who make over $250,000 in annual capital asset profits, has gained the support of Republicans in the State Senate and several conservative business leaders. It is opposed by the Washington State Budget and Policy Center.

Initiative 2124 would allow consumers to opt-out of the WA Cares healthcare program passed by the legislature in 2023, which would require the state to significantly restructure Washington’s public long-term care insurance option. It is opposed by the Washington State Nurses Association, AARP and the Washington Health Care Association, but supported by libertarian think-tank the Washington Policy Center.

If the four initiatives hitting the ballot this year pass, they would fundamentally change the state’s climate, healthcare and tax infrastructure. Voters will ultimately decide whether to maintain Washington’s current approach to these issues or to move in the direction of conservative leaders who want to reshape the Evergreen State’s legislative agenda.


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