Delaware to the rescue, the elusive state to participate in Lilac Bloomsday


SPOKANE, Wash- Normally thousands of people would cram into downtown Spokane to run the Bloomsday course and take home the coveted finisher T-Shirt.

We are just 48 days away from Spokane Bloomsday and we’re currently fast approaching a registration deadline, if you sign up by March 13, 2021, you get a custom bib that says your name on it.

Registration ends on May 9, 2021, and does increase in price a little bit after April 11, 2021.

Due to coronavirus, having thousands of people crammed into downtown Spokane just isn’t going to work this year.

The race will be virtual again and the way it sits right now about 10,000 people are registered for the race worldwide.

Last year 49 states participated in the run with the exception of Delaware. This year Delaware and Rhode Island are the holdouts.

Jon Neill the Race manager said people who have moved out of Spokane, or who know about the race but couldn’t be here in years past are all eagerly waiting to take part along with the locals right here in town.

“To see that groundswell of participation and entries is just so meaningful,” Neil said, “It’s one of these things with Bloomsday and any community event, those traditions are so important, the community just wants to make sure that tradition continues.”

Across the country someone is running in the race from every state except for Rhode Island and Delaware, but, after KHQ reached out to our NBC sister station in Delaware, WRDE Coast TV and they ran a story.

As a result of the story, one of their reporters stepped up to plate, Jaryd Leady and he will represent the state of Delaware in the race.

Meaning as of right now we just need one person from the state of Rhode Island to toss their name into the hat, so that all 50 states are running in Spokane’s lilac blooms day.

If you know you know someone in Rhode Island, call them! Tell them to take part!

You can follow this link to sign up.


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