DHW recommends that Idaho vaccine providers not use J&J vaccine


The Department of Health and Welfare (DHW) is recommending that Idaho vaccine providers not use the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

According to the DHW, a total of 82,500 J&J doses have been distributed, and as of 9:30 a.m. today, 30,673 doses had been administered.

“We are monitoring it very closely until we learn more,” said Dr. Christine Hahn, an infectious disease physician and Idaho’s lead epidemiologist. “If you have a scheduled appointment to get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, please work with your vaccine provider to postpone your appointment until we learn more or consider getting a different vaccine. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have not had this issue reported, and we recommend that Idahoans continue with their appointments to receive these critical vaccines.”

The DHW said that while flu-like symptoms are normal after getting the vaccine, anyone who experiences severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain, or shortness of breath within three weeks after getting the J&J vaccine should contact their doctor immediately.


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