Do Grown Men Prefer Their Moms When They’re Sick?


A 2024 survey from OnePoll reveals that 58% of men wish their moms could care for them while sick.

There is nothing like the strong bond between a mother and child. Instinctively, moms know how to make everything better. The ability for moms to soothe does not have an expiration date either. From scraped knees in childhood to a bad day at work or relationship troubles as an adult, moms always have a way of bringing comfort and support to their kids.

With the magic of a mom’s touch, it’s no wonder that even grown men naturally turn to their moms when they’re sick, just like they did as babies and beyond. Two out of five men even admitted that their moms were better at caring for them than their partners.

When feeling under the weather, many men prefer the nurturing love and care they feel only their moms can provide.

Why Mom Knows Best for Some Men

The mother-child relationship is among humanity’s most enduring connections. Many moms know their children inside out — their likes, dislikes, and how to make them feel better. However, it’s not just the physical care, like chicken soup or tea with honey, that makes a mother’s care exceptional, but emotional and mental support.

Alec Sills-Trausch of Explore with Alec admits that when he’s sick, he turns to his mom rather than his fiancée. He shares, “No matter your age, your parents will always be your parents. You have a comfort level with them that is unmatched, and when you’re sick, you sort of revert back to being a little kid where they can make things better and give you the love and comfort you need.”

His parents cared for him last year following a bone marrow transplant. They stayed with him and provided the love, care, and support he needed throughout his recovery process.

When asked why he is hesitant to lean more on his fiancée, he responds, “In a relationship, you don’t want your partner who is already working and taking care of other life things to then take care of you. It sort of makes me feel like a potato and unhelpful, even though I need to rest up to get better.”

A Comparison to Men Who Want to Be Left Alone

58% of women prefer to be left alone when sick, while 47% of men prefer similar solitude.

When feeling under the weather, some people may prefer to be left alone simply because they don’t want to burden others or appear vulnerable. Men’s apprehension may stem from societal expectations to be strong and independent.

Corey Turner of Fur Ball Fun shares, “My initial reaction to who I want help from when sick is no one. I sort of want to be left alone. However, if I were bad enough to be in the hospital I would certainly want my wife there and possibly yes, even my mom.”

He reflects on how strong, independent family members raised him. He thinks this may be where his wish to be alone originates. “I come from the Midwest and a family of farmers. When I was sick, Grandma took over because mom had to wok. Grandma let us lie on the couch for about a day, and then, no matter our status, it was time to get up and move around. So a bit of tough love was instilled in me at an early age with no pity parties allowed,” he adds.

Turner now has his go-to sickness remedies, like gargling salt water, drinking plenty of liquids, and indulging in soup. He continues, “Don’t get me wrong. I was well taken care of by my mom and grandma, but farmers wake up early, go to bed late, and work hard all day. We just became independent and self-reliant because we had to, which now translates to not wanting much help or people around when I get sick.”

While Turner’s mom and grandma may not care for him when he’s ill today, their lessons and his mom’s parenting approach helped him build resilience and independence, allowing him to care for himself.

Who Should Be Caring for a Sick Man?

Ultimately, there are no right or wrong expectations regarding sickness and seeking help. Some people prefer to be left alone, while others turn to their moms for comfort and care.

What remains undeniable is that more than half of men prefer to turn to their moms when they are sick because of the unconditional love and care that only a mother can provide.


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