I asked friends online this question: “Do you celebrate your pet’s birthday or ‘gotcha’ day?”


I added: “What kind of celebration? Food, gifts, guests, games—tell us all the fun details.”

They answered and they sent photos, too!


Brae Raphael (Oregon) Of course!

Shelly Keel (Idaho) Ummm … well … Yes!!! We always celebrate birthdays and holidays with my dogs. We spend the day doing fun things my dogs enjoy, like swimming, hiking, beach fun if we are close, visiting with friends, etc. There is usually a special something for dinner and often a dog-friendly cake or treat to top off the day.

Lonnie Olson (Michigan) Of course! We have doggie cake and ice cream and presents and lots of photos.


Photo by Lonnie Olson


Amy Cowley (United Kingdom) Yes, every year on their birthdays I have always brought them a blueberry muffin. Even now, after years of doing it, we still do. They get a few little pressies, too, and a nice special walk.

Jill Gibbs (Colorado) I always take a photo on their birthday. They get a toy and special treats. Typically, a very large Jillcookie and something added to their breakfast. (Meat of some type.)

Missy Masterson (Arkansas) Of course! We have a party, with presents and a cornbread cake with cream-cheese frosting!


Photo by Missy Masterson


Debby McMullen (Pennsylvania) Yes! Dog birthday presents, a “cake,” special dinner, extra special hike/outing, photo ops with a crown with the age prominently displayed.

Steven Cogswell (Colorado) We celebrate birthdays and gotcha days both. We have a local dog bakery, Cosmos Dog Bakery & Pet Supplies, that has amazing cakes and treats. The cakes are our favorites. At first it seemed silly, like it was really all for me. But these treats are so tasty and special, I know the pups are all in on the celebration.


Photo by Steven Cogswell


My most memorable dog birthday celebration was for my golden retriever Winston. 

I invited dogs and humans we walked with weekly in our neighborhoods and nearby parks. The dogs all knew each other well from those walks and from visits to each other’s houses, so getting together for a party was not an uncomfortable situation for them or for their humans. Most importantly, I think, was that the party was held outside, all dogs on leads and stationed at some distance from each other—necessary,  because there was food involved. We didn’t want any misunderstandings. 

It was a doggy cocktail party! 

The dogs had their own drinks—water, what else?—in their own bowls and, since we were on the lawn, no problem with sloppy slurpers. Hor d’oeuvres were served from the porch, one human at a time choosing for their own dog, picking what they thought their dog might like. I’d made a variety of combinations, using hard biscuits as a base, adding cheese, tube meat, and other delicacies. I will say, it was a fun display, and when everyone went home, there really were no left-overs!

You’ve never had a party for a pet’s birthday or “gotcha” day, but you’d like to? 

Keep it small, simple, and safe—for the pets and the humans!