Dr. Bernadine Bank to Biden: Step Down


SPOKANE, Wash. – OB/GYN and candidate for Washington’s 5th US Congressional district Dr. Bernadine Bank (D) called for Joe Biden to step out of the presidential race on Monday.

Bank, who has focused her campaign on said that the president is too old to pursue reelection.

“The constitution does address the issue of minimum age to hold office, and it’s reasonable to at least think about the possibility that someone might be too old for office,” Bank said.

Bank qualified her comments by stating that she understands the contentious nature of whether Biden should continue within the Democratic Party and said that the president should be content with his policy record from the last three-and-a-half years. While she is not a sitting congressional representative, she framed her statement as representing the consensus of voters in the 5th district.

“This is not a position I take lightly–I’ve discussed it at length with my team, friends, and district voters. Frankly, I think that President Biden has done a good job…But I have to represent my district, and President Biden’s performance is not meeting their expectations,” Bank said.

She joins Washington US Congressional Representative Adam Smith (D) and a calling upon Biden to step aside for another candidate to assume the party nomination heading into November.

Biden has repeatedly after a that he acknowledged was a set-back and left him several points behind former President Donald Trump


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