Fox rescued after getting head trapped in plastic container


By Lauren Beavis via SWNS

A fox was rescued after it got its head stuck in a plastic container.

The team at Secret World Wildlife Rescue were called out to a garden in Weston-super-Mare in Somerset.

A resident managed to keep the fox in her shed until Secret World Response Driver Donna and Release Coordinator Charlotte arrived.

After being unable to locate the small animal – they eventually found the fox on a shelf amongst some carrier bags.

Charlotte and Donna were unable to remove the plastic tub – so after being sedated by local veterinary practice Green Pastures, the tub was removed.

The fox was brought back to the center to be monitored after his ordeal and sedation.

He was really tuckered out and slept most of the day snuggled into his blanket.

With no other injuries, Donna took him back to the garden that same night and released him.

This is the second case that Secret World has seen this year involving a fox with a piece of litter stuck on its head.

Head of Education and Public Relations George Bethell urges people to responsibly dispose of their waste and pick up any litter they might find whilst out and about.

George said: “Unfortunately this is not an isolated incident, litter is one of the most common reasons wildlife is admitted at Secret World and something that could be so easily prevented, please help us help wildlife by cleaning up your local area.”


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