Governor Jay Inslee responds to wildfires burning through Washington


OLYMPIA, Wash. – Several major wildfires are burning across Washington. Governor Jay Inslee (D) asked the public to remain vigilant on Sunday afternoon.

The Pioneer Fire burning in western Washington has claimed over 30,000 acres, and three wildfires have caused evacuation advisories in Spokane County over the past 72 hours.

Inslee requested that Washingtonians remain attentive to evacuation advisories, particularly for the Pioneer Fire.

“[Being present] makes it much more difficult for firefighters to fight the fire,” Inslee said.

According to NASA, July 22 was the hottest day on earth ever recorded as the climate emergency Inslee alluded to the dangers posed by climate change when addressing the fires.

“We’ve gotta be more aggressive against these fires…We know we’re having more fires and we know the reason for that. But right now we’ve gotta pull together,” Inslee said.

Inslee’s landmark policy calling for the state to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050, is intended to reduce the ecological footprint of the Evergreen State.

he has highlighting the need to reduce humanity’s impact on the environment.


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