Governor Jay Inslee signs bill transitioning Washington schools to electric buses


OLYMPIA, Wash. – Zero emission buses are headed to Washington school bus fleets in the next few years.

A bill signed by Governor Jay Inslee (D) which became law on Saturday will transition Washington public schools to electric buses in-line with the state’s Climate Commitment Act (CCA).

Under the CCA, the state intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 95 percent by 2050. The bill text for the new zero emission bus law cites the CCA as a motivating factor for transitioning school buses to more sustainable vehicle technologies.

A state report compiled by policy experts will be sent to the governor in June 2025 and will detail how to transition to zero emission bus fleets across the Evergreen State.

Funding for the bus improvements will be partially administered through a Washington Department of Commerce grant program.

Until the governor’s office receives the June 2025 report, it is unlikely that a financial push for electric school buses will take place on a state level. However, any school district can choose to employ their own resources to purchase electric buses.


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