Home Depot to replace Shopko on South Hill


SOUTH HILL, Wash — Demolition has started at the Shopko on Regal St. on South Hill, and a handy replacement will be Home Depot.

Tom Kearney said he’s been accustomed to change in the close to five decades he’s lived on South Hill: ” There were cow pastures where the soccer field is now, and a lot of the streets in this general area were not paved.”

However, he said the changes to his community happened gradually, “there have been no massive changes all at once and that has felt more comfortable.”

When Kearney heard Home Depot would replace where the Shopko used to stand, he wasn’t surprised.

“I think that’s predictable, and as long as they integrate themselves management-wise to the community, I don’t think it will matter that much.”

NonStop Local reached out to Home Depot who said in a statement the choice in location was strategic.

“By building a location in this area, our customers won’t have to travel as far for their home improvement needs,” Home Depot said.

However, South Hill is not the only area where new developments are popping up. A new luxury community with close to 500 units is set to break ground just 5 miles north of Spokane, and there are rumblings of a Costco in Liberty Lake.

Kearney said just because a big box store is in the area doesn’t mean local businesses will be left in the dust. There’s still a place for them in our community.

“I’m really a fan of any entrepreneurs who can come up with a plan for business that makes them competitive in some niche.”


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