Homeless rights ordinance deferred by Spokane City Council


SPOKANE, Wash. – The Spokane City Council voted four to one to defer the vote on an ordinance that would classify homeless people as a protected class.

The council originally voted against indefinitely deferring the ordinance but then agreed to push this vote back two weeks. Council member Zack Zappone was the only one who voted against the deferral, saying two weeks was not enough time to solve the community concerns. Council President Betsy Wilkerson and Council Member Jonathan Bingle were not present.

More than 40 people commented on the ordinance, with those against it saying it could lead to unintended consequences, such as unenforceable laws and the inability to screen tenants as landlords.

Those in favor stated homeless people are citizens of Spokane and should enjoy the same rights as everyone else.

Council member Lli Navarette said this ordinance removes barriers for those seeking jobs or housing.

“Also to apply for housing, without being discriminated against that they don’t have an address to put on the application. It’s hard to defer it, but that’s the right thing to do because I respect all my constituents and I want to hear from all of you,” Council Member Navarrete said.

This ordinance will be discussed again in two weeks on Aug. 26.


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