Housing development in Spokane breaks previous records


SPOKANE, Wash.- The City of Spokane continues to experience increased housing development, particularly in multi-family residences.

The month of August marked the highest number of permits granted by the city for multi-family housing development in Spokane history, with 324 permissions offered.

Over the course of 2023 Spokane allowed 984 multi-family unit permits, which is an unprecedented number for a city in eastern Washington.

Community and Economic Development Director Steven MacDonald projects continued growth in construction and new housing.

“Based on the projects in the City’s Plan Review process and pre-development activity, construction valuations should surpass $500 million for only the sixth time ever and multi-family construction should continue to shine,” MacDonald said.

This increase in housing for units that are not single family homes comes after a 2023 Washington State Legislative Session which featured significant changes to the Evergreen State’s zoning laws. These changes included a bill requiring cities to offer more multi-family accommodations which Governor Jay Inslee touted as a major victory for working families.

Inslee awarded the City of Spokane the Smart Community Award on Jan. 31.

Housing prices are rising faster than local incomes in the Lilac City, making multi-family housing development an increasingly pertinent goal for both governmental and private entities in Spokane.


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