‘I probably wouldn’t be here without them:’ Spokane man coordinates benefit hockey game for Shriners Children’s


SPOKANE, Wash. – Fifteen years after a Spokane man had major surgery at Shriners Children’s, he’s doing everything he can to give back to the place that gave him so much.

Ben Cordell broke his back when he was a teenager while playing hockey. He said the professionals at Shriners gave him the gift of calm during of the scariest experiences of his life. For years, he’s wanted to find a way to not only support Shriners but also the children they help every single day.

Ben has put together a benefit hockey game titled, ‘Drop the Mitts for Shriners Children’s.’ The event is happening Feb. 4 at the Spokane Arena. A ticket to the benefit game is also good for the Spokane Chief’s game that same day. They are also auctioning off a ‘one-of-a-kind jersey.’

Ben said he feels forever grateful to Shriners Children’s.

“It was nerve wracking,” he said of the experience. “Never having a surgery before … and having a spinal surgery for your first one.”

He said it took about three hours.

“Four screws, two rods and some cadaver bone,” he said.

The whole thing was scary. It was painful. But somehow, Ben said the heroes at Shriners made him feel like everything was going to be okay.

“The support they gave me, through surgery and after… I probably wouldn’t be here without them,” he said. “Just to give back to such an awesome place, is huge.”


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