Idaho charity addresses childhood food insecurity as state government rejects federal funding


MOSCOW, Idaho – Idaho has a hungry children problem. United Way of Moscow/Latah County took aim at youth food insecurity this week by announcing a grant to retire lunch debt in Moscow schools.

According to United Way, the new program will retire lunch debt throughout the Moscow School District as well as two local charter schools.

“These meals are essential to students receiving a quality education, and no family should be put into debt to feed their children,” the organization said in a media statement.

Feeding America estimated that about 70,000 Idaho children experienced food insecurity in 2022. Despite a 14.5% childhood food insecurity rate, Republicans in the Idaho State Legislature have expressed skepticism toward accepting federal funding for alleviating hunger.

The state senate rejected $14,830,500 in federal childcare and summer student meal funding in March.

While Idaho’s state government has the right to refuse money from the US Congress to address childhood food insecurity, local school districts can accept charitable funds from organizations like United Way under current Idaho State Board of Education guidelines.

“United Way of Moscow/Latah County strives to support the health, education and financial stability of all those in our community,” the organization said.


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