Infant dies of COVID-19 in Umatilla County


The 80th death from COVID-19 in Oregon’s Umatilla County is an infant boy who tested positive and died of COVID-19 on the same day, January 17th. Umatilla County Public Health says that the infant had underlying medical conditions.

“Every death from COVID-19 is a tragedy, even more so the death of a child,” said Dr. Dean Sidelinger, Oregon Health Authority’s Health Officer and State Epidemiologist, “The death of an infant is extremely rare. This news represents a tremendous loss to the mother and family. My thoughts are with them during this difficult time.” “The loss of a life so young is an indescribable tragedy for a family,” Oregon Governor Kate Brown said, “Dan and I send our thoughts and condolences to the mother and family of this child, whose grief must be unimaginable in this moment. The hearts of all Oregonians are with you today.” COVID-19 symptoms to look for in children that require urgent medical attention include: • Trouble breathing• Pain or pressure in the chest that doesn’t go away• New confusion• Being unable to wake up or stay awake when not tired• Bluish lips or face

“Children infected with COVID-19 are less likely to develop severe illnesses compared to adults,” Dr. Sidelinger said, “Risks still remain to children of developing more severe illnesses from COVID-19, and we continue to encourage all parents to seek emergency medical care for their children if certain symptoms are present.”

According to the CDC, hospitalization for COVID-19 related illnesses remains low in children compared to adults, and just 1.3% of COVID-19 cases in Oregon are linked to residents younger than ten years old. The CDC notes that children with certain underlying medical conditions, as well as infants younger than a year old may be at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 infections.


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