It could soon cost more for utilities in Spokane as potential rate hikes loom


SPOKANE, Wash. – It may cost more for water and trash in Spokane over the next two years as the City says utility rates could jump.

In 2025, a ratepayer could see their utility bills cost $7.14/month, plus an additional $8.40/month in 2026. In total, it is a 4.9-5.5% proposed hike over the next two years. The goal of this proposal is to catch back up with inflation.

For the last decade, Spokane has only seen steady rate increases on utility prices.

According to a presentation at Monday’s City Council meeting from Marlene Feist, the Public Works Director, residents have had the cost for their utilities, including water or solid waste, each increase by about 2.9% annually.

In 2024, costs for solid waste collection increased by 10%, but other City utilities did not change at all.

“It’s time to reset those rates. And looking at what happened in the last few years, we really have ground to make up because some costs have really increased. So, we’re gonna have to figure out how to do that,” Kirstin Davis, a spokesperson for the City of Spokane, said.

To alleviate the burden on those with vulnerable incomes, Davis added that the City plans to increase it’s discounts for seniors and the disabled from $10/month to $15/month in 2025. Then, in 2026, $20/month.

“We want to make sure that they are equitable and that they’re affordable for those folks that are vulnerable,” Davis said.

The rates must be approved by the City Council. The vote for this issue is expected by November.

NonStop Local did reach out to Spokane residents who voiced concerns online about their utility rates increasing, but those contacted were unable to comment for this story.


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