‘It really is a special place:’ Telethon benefiting Vanessa Behan scheduled for Giving Tuesday


SPOKANE, Wash. — Vanessa Behan saves families. Since they were founded 37 years ago, they’ve provided support during some of life’s biggest challenges. There are many reasons families turn to Vanessa Behan for help. For some, they are struggling with homelessness. For others, it’s childcare to cover a shift at work or an interview; sometimes, it’s caregivers who simply recognize they need a break.

For Mark Yates, Vanessa Behan was a safe spot for his child while he received medical care.

“I knew he was in a good place, and I could take care of what I had to take care of,” he said.

Mark’s son is now a teenager. But he still remembers how the staff and volunteers at Vanessa Behan made him feel. When asked to describe that feeling in one word, his response was instant.

“Loved,” he said.

Mark recalls those days when he was really struggling with his health. It was a blur of appointments, dialysis, and, as a single dad, trying to make it all work.

“Five, almost six years ago, I had a kidney transplant,” he said. “Vanessa Behan, without them, I don’t know what I would do. They came with open arms.”

He urges other parents or caregivers going through a tough time to look into the services provided by Vanessa Behan. He says the first time he took his son there, he felt nervous. But instantly saw there was no reason to be. There, his child was well cared for, loved, and had the time of his life.

“I wish I could still go,” he said.

Both father and son say every time Vanessa Behan comes up in conversation, or they’re driving by, they can’t help but smile knowing what a gift this place truly is.

“It really is a special place,” he said.

2023 is shaping up to be an unprecedented year for the number of families and children Vanessa Behan has cared for and helped. From the start of the year, through the end of October, they had already cared for more than 5,700 kids. Unfortunately, donations are down, and they are critical to the nonprofit’s success. That’s why events like our telethon are so important. This year, on Giving Tuesday, the Connect Center phone lines will be open throughout the day to take your donations.

You don’t have to wait though. You can donate anytime through their website.


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