Joya empowering very preterm babies on their development journey


SPOKANE, Wash. – Haylee Parola was on vacation with her husband Dom when she realized something was off with her unborn child. She was right.

The Parolas were 27 weeks pregnant, and Haylee hadn’t seen her stomach grow at all since their anatomy scan at 20 weeks. During that appointment, the doctor told them that their boy, Brewer, was perfectly healthy and developing at an average rate, in the 50th percentile.

Out of an abundance of caution, she asked for another ultrasound. That’s when the doctors told them they needed to drop everything and go straight to the hospital. There was no amniotic fluid left in the womb.

That fluid is essential for the baby’s growth, and without it, the baby could have trouble breathing or develop a series of health problems.

Haylee had a c-section at 28 weeks pregnant, meaning Brewer was born about 3 months before his scheduled due date.

Once Brewer was born, the parents were able to take a big sigh of relief, but that was only the beginning of Brewer’s incredible path to normalcy.

That path continued in the hospital, where Brewer stayed for 91 days before he was able to go home.

He was hooked up to oxygen, so for a while, even when he was home, he and his parents did not leave their bedroom.

Brewer was also on a feeding tube. Thankfully, the Parolas were connected to someone with Joya who set them up with multiple therapists for Brewer.

This all happened during Covid, so the Parolas barely let anyone see their baby. Just their parents, and Joya.

Joya taught them things that may seem simple but are very important, like how to position the baby when laying him down so he does not get a lopsided head. Or to have Brewer practice doing things with his weak side so he does not struggle with coordination later on.

Their case worker helped them navigate insurance and expenses, and because of all of the early work they did with him, now Brewer is 2 and a half years old and hitting all his milestones towards living a normal, healthy life.

This Saturday, we are hosting a fundraiser for Joya. If you would like to donate, click here.


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