Lakeland Village employees walk out demanding higher wages, among 50,000 other employees


MEDICAL LAKE, Wash – Thousands of Washington state employees walked out Tuesday demanding higher wages. This action is part of the Washington Public Employees Association’s “Walkout for Washington.”

The walkout included employees from the Eastern State Hospital and Lakeland Village in Medical Lake.

According to reports, over 50,000 state workers participated across the state. Around forty employees were seen chanting outside Lakeland Village on Tuesday.

They held signs and chanted phrases like “Fair contract” and “Don’t take away our pay.”

Former NonStop Local KHQ producer Colette Buck, now a Lakeland Village employee, emphasized the need for fair wages and better staffing.

“Listen to us and to what we need, what we deserve, what our families deserve, what our residents here deserve,” Buck said. Buck added, “The people that do this work every single day are dedicated. They’re dedicated to what they do, and to have the state come back and not offer us anything for the work that we do, for the dangers that we encounter on the work site is a slap in the face.”

Lorrie Wandler, another employee, highlighted issues of safety and pay, stating that multiple employees have been assaulted due to insufficient staffing.

“Assaulted to the point where they’re on permanent disability. And a lot of it is because not enough staffing,” Wandler said.

Wandler also mentioned the financial struggles employees face, referring to a co-worker, “She has to use her lunch break to go to the food bank, because she cannot pay her rent and afford food at the same time.”

Governor Jay Inslee’s office expressed confidence in the bargaining process and stated they are working towards reaching an agreement.

Wandler stressed the urgency, saying, “You can’t keep drawing from an empty well. People are tired.”

The employees remain hopeful for brighter days as they continue to sit at the bargaining table. Wandler urged citizens to support their cause, saying, “Make those calls to the governor and ask for a fair contract for the people that hold up this state.”


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