IDAHO — Heidi Cornell, an elementary teacher from Lewiston, was named Idaho’s 2025 Teacher of the Year and will be the state’s educational spokesperson.
According to Debbie Critchfield, Idaho’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, Heidi Cornell, a third-grade teacher at Orchards Elementary School in Lewiston, was nominated as Idaho’s best educator in 2025. Cornell was chosen from a pool of 40 applicants and will now serve as a spokesperson and representative for Idaho’s various local and national events.
The Idaho Teacher of the Year program partners with Cap Ed Credit Union to raise the profile of Idaho’s top teaching talent. Along with representing Idaho’s education program, Cornell received a commemorative plaque and a check for $10,000.
Cornell first worked as a first-grade teacher for the Lewiston Independent School District in 2009 before moving to second and finally third grade. She also serves as the school’s Professional Learning Community lead, PBIS (positive behavior interventions and supports) Tier 1 facilitator and head teacher. She is also part of the Guiding Coalition and Crisis Assistance Support teams.
“Heidi’s work in and out of the classroom successfully ties together so many aspects of what ‘best practice’ looks like when it comes to serving students,” said Critchfield. “Standing out in a field of so many incredible and deserving applicants is no small feat, but Heidi immediately caught our eye as a candidate with the skill and dedication needed to support her students, colleagues and community. She’s truly an asset, and I’m grateful for her devoted service to her community.”
Cornell is known at her school to build her students’ confidence in what they learn and explore topics. During her time with the Lewiston School District, she created a learning environment tailored to students with various needs and learning styles to excel. Cornell also has increased student opportunities and learning by directly bringing hands-on, authentic experiences to students.
“She tailors lessons to meet the diverse needs of her students, incorporating various learning styles, abilities and interests into her teaching strategies,” said Orchards Elementary School Principal Jennifer Gomez. “Her commitment to personalized learning, engagement and fostering a positive learning environment has empowered students to thrive academically and personally.”